Monday 24 Mar 2025Fa
Bank Mellat receives ISMS certificate

Bank Mellat has become the first Iranian bank to receive ISO/IEC 27001 certificate under the new 2013 version for its successfully implementing information security management system (ISMS) in its Internet banking service. The certificate has been issued by the ICT Organization of Iran as the sole competent authority to grant the national ISMS (NAMA) certificate.


Compliance committee has been duly incorporated in Bank Mellat and comprising Risk, Audit, AML, Human Resource, Financial and Credit department's representatives under the supervision of the BOD which is responsible for supervise the Company's compliance and ethics programs, policies and procedures.
As this is quite essential for any Iranian Banks after JCPOA, Bank Mellat has taken in to consideration the very importance of such critical concept in the Bank and defined the structure duly in the organization. Continue...
Mellat Investment Bank (M.I.B.) is an Iranian investment bank founded by Bank Mellat in 2011.
It is licensed as an investment bank offering services in Iran. Mellat Investment Bank is a private company established in the State Organization of Deeds and Properties, Company Registration General Office in Tehran by Mellat Bank. Its capital is 2500 billion Rials now. The company officially began its operations after obtaining its license from the Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO) of Iran. M.I.B. is under the supervision of SEO& Central Bank of Iran. (For more information please refer to Continue...

The Ethical CharterBank

Bank Mellat is honored to have devised its ethical charter as the first private bank of the state and the managers and staff took the oath in a congregational meeting.
The charter includes outstanding humane ethical traits which should be observed by the staff in the process of rendering services to the public.
In the oath-taking ceremony all the participants unanimously swore to each and every article of the charter and pledged to remember its principles and always assay their behavior and performance with its touchstone.
Having believed in their responsibility in the great family of the bank, they prayed to the Almighty to help them in better serving people and put all their strength in the daily increasing honor, image and achievements of this intimate organization Continue ...